Provincial Archives of New Brunswick
Probate Court Records RS63
Microfilm F11590
Be it remembered That I Peter McCallum of the
Parish of Saint Patrick in the County of Charlotte and Province
of New Brunswick Esquire considering the uncertainty of this
mortal life & being of sound & perfect mind and memory
blessed be almighty God for the same, do make and publish this my
last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to
say, First I give and bequeath to my Eldest son Hugh McCallum
the sum of five shillings besides what he has already received, I
also give and devise to my next son Archibald McCallum
the Lot number twenty four with the improvements and buildings
thereon, I likewise give and devise to my son Donald McCallum
the Lot number twenty five with the appurtenances and buildings
and improvements, and to my son Peter McCallum I give
and devise the Lot number twenty six with the improvements.
And to my son Angus McCallum I give and devise the Lot
number twenty seven with the improvements thereon, all which Lots
are situate lying and being within the limits of the Grant to
Archibald Williamson and others on the East side of the
Digdeguash River within the Parish of Saint Patrick
aforesaid. I also give and devise to my daughter Catharine
McCallum the Lot number twenty two with the
appurtenances, I likewise give and devise to my daughter Margaret
McCallum the Lot number twenty three with the
appurtenances which last two Lots are situate lying and being on
the west side of the Digdeguash River within the Parish of Saint
Patrick aforesaid and included in the Grant to Archibald
Williamson and others aforesaid. All which lots on each
side of the Digdeguash River hereby given and devised to the said
respective Devisees to hold to them their Heirs and assigns
forever. And lastly as to all the rest, residue and
remainder of my personal Estate goods and Chattels of what kind
or nature so ever I leave to the disposal of my beloved wife Mary
McCallum whom I hereby appoint sole Executrix of this
my last Will and Testament, to be disposed of by her as may seem
to her most expedient, she reserving to herself her Right of
Dower or mantainance during her natural life hereby revoking all
former wills by me made.
In witness of the within & foregoing written will I have
hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of April in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
Peter McCallum (seal)
Signed, sealed, published and
declared by the above named Peter
McCallum to be his last Will and
Testament and in the presence of us,
who at his request and in his presence
have hereunto Subscribed our names
as witnesses to the same
George MacKay
Thos Olivant
John H. Armstrong