Some Descendants of Joachim and Theotiste (Paulhus) Cournoyer, of Sorel, Quebec and Tweed, Ontario

Catholic church records for the Tweed area are in the registers of St. Michael the Archangel, in Belleville, until 1851 (LDS film 1298739).  I haven't been able to find the records from 1851 to 1869.  From 1869, Tweed records are in the registers of Sacred Heart of Mary, in Madoc (LDS film 1298801).  The registers of St. Carthaghs in Tweed begin about 1884 (LDS film 1298805). Other local records appear on LDS film 2032030. The birth, marriage and death records quoted here come from these registers as well as those of St. Pierre-de-Sorel in Quebec (LDS films 1294706 through 1294711). The following lists are based on information found in the church registers noted above, supplemented by census information, and in some cases, World War I military records found at Library and Archives Canada. They certainly contain some mistakes in the names and dates, due to error on my part, or gaps or mistakes in the church and census records. After the families made the move to Tweed, the clergymen and enumerators were English-speaking men who often were not familiar with the French names and who may have attempted to anglicize them, and who certainly misspelled them at times. All of the family members who were born in what is now Quebec were baptized with the last name Cournoyer, but after the move to what is now Ontario, it was spelled in a variety of ways by the officials, and as most if not all of these Cournoyers could not read or write, it is difficult to say when the last name actually changed to Courneya and other variations as far as they were concerned. In short, the names listed here may not be exactly what these people called themselves.

I looked for each of these families in the 1881 Canadian census or 1880 US census, as posted on the LDS website, http://www.familysearch.org. As these names were so often misspelled, they aren't easy to find, so I have indicated the spelling of the names when I have been able to find them in those records.


Marie Anne Cournoyer [daughter of Joachim and Theotiste (Paulhus) Cournoyer] and Alexis Bibeau
Married Aug. 23, 1859, Sorel, QC
Spelling of names in the 1881 Canadian census index: Alexis and Marie (Cournoyer) Bibeau
Children: Born: Spouse:
Alexis ~1863  
Charles ~1865  
Joseph ~1867  
Pierre ~1869  
Dolphis ~1871  
Dina ~1873  
D'Albrois ~1876  
Louise Zelie ~1878  


Catherine Cournoyer [daughter of Joachim and Theotiste (Paulhus) Cournoyer] and Levi (Oliver) Letendre
Married about 1860, Tweed, ON
Spelling of names in the 1881 Canadian census index: Lovia and Catherine Latander
Children: Born: Spouse:
Levi ~1861 Josephine Lachapelle
Jean Baptiste ~1863  
Felix ~1864  
Catherine ~1866 Michel Trudeau
Angele ~1868  
Pierre Sep. 23, 1869 Alice Kehoe
Delima Jan. 12, 1872  
Louis Jan., 1874 Clara Lachapelle
David Apr. 1, 1876  
Theotiste [Lottie] Jan. 16, 1878 John Langevin
Theophile Jan. 12, 1880  
Marie Anne Jan. 14, 1882 Simon Langevin
Maggie Jan. 13, 1886  


Pierre Cournoyer [son of Joachim and Theotiste (Paulhus) Cournoyer] and Marie Cournoyer [daughter of Paul and Catherine (Ethier) Cournoyer]
Married about 1865, Tweed, ON
Spelling of names in the 1881 Canadian census index: Peter and Mary Comayer
Children: Born: Spouse:
Paul ~1866  
Marie ~1868 Alexander Genore [son of Alexander and Philomene (Cournoyer) Genore]
Catherine ~1869  
Margaret Jul. 23, 1870  
Medinote? [Minnie] May 16, 1872 Edward Allore
Vitelline? [Ellen] Jun. 10, 1874 James Dunne
Pierre Nov. 11, 1876 Odile Rashotte [daughter of Pierre and Catherine (Cournoyer) Rashotte]
Louis 1878  
Clemence Jun. 23, 1880 Levi Gouin
Sophie Aug. 10, 1884  
Felix Nov. 9, 1885 Clemence Goulah [daughter of Simon and Delima (Cournoyer) Goulah]
Simon Aug. 8, 1887 Bridget [Delia] Mulroney



Paul Cournoyer [son of Joachim and Theotiste (Paulhus) Cournoyer] and Delima Letendre
Married Jul. 24, 1871, Tweed, ON
Spelling of names in the 1881 Canadian census index:
Children: Born: Spouse:
Elizabeth Rush [adopted] ~1877  
Michael Rush [adopted] ~1879  



Joachim Cournoyer [son of Joachim and Theotiste (Paulhus) Cournoyer] and Louisa Genereux
Married August 5, 1872, Tweed, ON
Spelling of names in the 1881 Canadian census index:
Children: Born: Spouse:



Simon Cournoyer [son of Joachim and Theotiste (Paulhus) Cournoyer] and Anne Wilcott [went to Wisconsin]
Married ?
Spelling of names in the 1880 US census index: Simon and Anna Curnoier
Children: Born: Spouse:
Lucy ~1878  
Willie 1880  



Louis Cournoyer [son of Joachim and Theotiste (Paulhus) Cournoyer] and Sophie Rashotte
Married Aug. 13, 1871, Tweed, ON
Spelling of names in the 1881 Canadian census index: Lewis and Sophia Courynier
Children: Born: Spouse:
George Maheney [adopted] ~1877  



Denis Cournoyer [son of Joachim and Theotiste (Paulhus) Cournoyer] and Lucille Wilcott [went to Wisconsin]
Married ?
Spelling of names in the 1880 US census index: Denis and Lucy Conmeyer
Children: Born: Spouse:



Jean Baptiste Cournoyer [son of Joachim and Theotiste (Paulhus) Cournoyer] and Vitelline [Ellen] Cournoyer [daughter of Paul and Catherine (Ethier) Cournoyer]
Married Oct. 14, 1879, Tweed, ON
Spelling of names in the 1881 Canadian census index: John and Ellen Cornnier
Children: Born: Spouse:
Denis Aug. 9, 1880  
Paul Aug. 20, 1885  
David ~1890  
John ~1894  
Charles Jun. 18, 1896